Mazda 626

1991-1998 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Mazda 626

+ 1. Maintenance instruction
- 2. Maintenance
   2.1. Technical characteristics
   2.2. Schedule of maintenance of Ford Probe, Mazdas 626 and MX-6
   2.3. Primary and secondary checks
   2.4. Check of level of oil and liquids
   2.5. Check of a condition of tires and pressure in tires
   2.6. Check of level of liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of steering
   2.7. Check of level of automatic transmission liquid
   2.8. Replacement of engine oil and oil filter
   2.9. Check of seat belts
   2.10. Survey and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   2.11. Check, maintenance and accumulator charging
   2.12. Check, adjustment of a tension and replacement of a driving belt
   2.13. Check and replacement of hoses in a motive compartment
   2.14. Check of the cooling system
   2.15. Shift of wheels
   2.16. Check of the brake system
   2.17. Check of level of oil of the mechanical transmission
   2.18. Replacement of the air filter
   2.19. Check and replacement of spark plugs
   2.20. Check and replacement of elements of system of ignition
   2.21. Check and replacement of the valve of ventilation of a case
   2.22. Check and adjustment of speed of idling (model till 1997)
   2.23. Check and adjustment of a corner of an advancing of ignition (model till 1997)
   2.24. Replacement of cooling liquid and washing of the cooling system
   2.25. Replacement of brake fluid
   2.26. Check of steering and suspension bracket
   2.27. Automatic transmission liquid replacement
   2.28. Replacement of oil of the mechanical transmission
   2.29. Check of the exhaust system
   2.30. Check of a power supply system
   2.31. Check and adjustment of gaps of valves (model of 1998 of release)
   2.32. Replacement of the fuel filter
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Heating and ventilation
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. Exhaust system
+ 7. Transmissions
+ 8. Coupling and half shafts
+ 9. Brake system
+ 10. Running gear
+ 11. Body
+ 12. Electric equipment
+ 13. Electrical circuitries
+ 14. Useful tips


2.5. Check of a condition of tires and pressure in tires


For check of depth of a protector it is possible to use the simple sensor. If depth of a protector decreased below minimum admissible, tires need to be replaced.

Various forms of wear of the drawing of a protector and possible reasons

1. Weak pressure in tires
2. Wrong convergence of wheels
3. Uneven wear

Possible reasons:

  – weak pressure in tires, bad balancing or deformation of a wheel, too high pressure in tires;
  – steering drafts or a steering bipod are worn-out;
  – elements of a forward suspension bracket are worn-out or damaged, suspension brackets are incorrectly adjusted.

1. Check a condition of the drawing of a protector and degree of its wear. Uneven wear of tires demonstrates bad balancing of wheels or bad adjustment of a suspension bracket.
2. Examine tires on existence of cuts, punctures, the got stuck nails or other sharp objects. If there is an air leak, first of all, check reliability of the valve of the camera.
3. If it as it should be, check the surface of the tire for existence of punctures, having applied soap water on the surface of the tire. Leak of air will prove to be in the form of bubbles.
4. Regularly check pressure in tires by means of the exact sensor.