1. Wash out a bent shaft solvent and carefully dry. Surely clean oil channels a rigid brush and wash out a strong stream of solvent. Remove the solvent remains, having blown channels compressed air. |
2. The solvent which remained in oil channels will dilute oil at the first launches of the engine that can cause serious damages. Check uniformity of wear of radical and conrod necks, existence on them of zadir, cracks or a local erosion. Check all bent shaft for existence of cracks and damages. |
3. Measure by a micrometer diameter of radical and conrod necks, compare result to the value given in the management. Check ovality of radical and conrod necks of a shaft, having measured their diameter in several points on a circle. Check conicity of necks for what measure diameter of a neck in places about counterbalances, and compare results. If the micrometer is absent, then measurements can be taken in workshops for the acceptable payment. |
4. In the presence of damages and also if ovality, conicity and wear of necks exceed the set limits, the shaft should be handed over on regrinding in a specialized workshop. After repair of a shaft it is necessary to replace radical and conrod bearings repair. |